- Bismuth Stencil
ConsciousnessMedium -
ThermodynamicsMedium -
@ & { } ( ) [ ] . , : ; ! ? § / ¶ © ™ ° † $ € ¥
Black 60 px - Thin 16 px
An exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
Black 16 pxAn exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
- 950 SymbolsMetalic Alloy100 HairChemical Composition900 UltraHigh-Quality Steel Production200 ThinMeticulously crafted products tailored to meet
the exacting requirements of various industries. -
EntanglementSymbols -
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Black 50 px -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ultra 100 px -
In the labyrinth of forgotten memories, holographic ghosts chant the dirge of lost civilizations.
Black 50 px - 100Hair200Thin300Light400Regular500Medium600Bold700Heavy800Black900Ultra950Symbols
- 100 HairPolycarbonate200 ThinPolycarbonate300 LightPolycarbonate400 RegularPolycarbonate500 MediumPolycarbonate600 BoldPolycarbonate700 HeavyPolycarbonate800 BlackPolycarbonate900 UltraPolycarbonate950 SymbolsPolycarbonate
- Regular 27 px
An exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
Bold 27 pxAn exoplanet planet is a planet outside the Solar System. The first confirmation of detection occurred in 1992. As of 1 October 2022, there are 5,197 confirmed exoplanets in 3,833 planetary systems, with 840 systems having more than one planet. Claims of exoplanet detections have been made since the nineteenth century. Some of the earliest involve the binary star 70 Ophiuchi. In 1855 William Stephen Jacob at the East India Company’s Madras Observatory reported that orbital anomalies made it “highly probable” that there was a “planetary body” in this system.
- Light 31 px
Une planète exoplanète est une planète en dehors du système solaire. La première confirmation de détection a eu lieu en 1992. Au 1er octobre 2022, il y avait 5 197 exoplanètes confirmées dans 3 833 systèmes planétaires, avec 840 systèmes ayant plus d'une planète. Des réclamations de détections d'exoplanètes ont été faites depuis le XIXe siècle. Certaines des plus anciennes impliquent l'étoile binaire 70 Ophiuchi. En 1855, William Stephen Jacob, de l'observatoire de Madras de la Compagnie des Indes orientales, rapporta que des anomalies orbitales rendaient «très probable» la présence d'un «corps planétaire» dans ce système.
Medium 31 pxUne planète exoplanète est une planète en dehors du système solaire. La première confirmation de détection a eu lieu en 1992. Au 1er octobre 2022, il y avait 5 197 exoplanètes confirmées dans 3 833 systèmes planétaires, avec 840 systèmes ayant plus d'une planète. Des réclamations de détections d'exoplanètes ont été faites depuis le XIXe siècle. Certaines des plus anciennes impliquent l'étoile binaire 70 Ophiuchi. En 1855, William Stephen Jacob, de l'observatoire de Madras de la Compagnie des Indes orientales, rapporta que des anomalies orbitales rendaient «très probable» la présence d'un «corps planétaire» dans ce système.
O písme
Expresívne hranaté nadpisové stencil písmo so sci-fi výrazom v deviatich hrúbkach.
Bismuth Stencil je kapitálové, experimentálne, industriálne konštruované písmo primárne určené pre použitie v nadpisoch, obsahujúce 10 štýlov v škále od Hair po Black, s žiadnym kontrastom a veľkou šírkou.
Podporovanými znakovými sadami písma Bismuth Stencil sú základná latinka a rozšírená latinka, vďaka čomu môže byť písmo použité vo viac ako 100 jazykoch. S celkovým počtom 380 znakov, základnou sadou sú proporčné zarovnané číslice. Funkcie ako špeciálne ligatúry a ordinály umožňujú ďalšie prispôsobenie a zvyšujú celkovú všestrannosť písma.
Znaky veľkej aj malej abecedy písma Bismuth Stencil sú kapitálky — jednotlivé páry (Aa, Bb, atď.) sa líšia v konštrukcii, ale majú identickú šírku. Šírka je takisto identická naprieč všetkými hrúbkami, vďaka čomú sú štýly bez problémov zameniteľné.
Deväť štýlov je doplnených o desiaty štýl nazvaný Symbols, ktorý obsahuje viac než 100 rôznych šípok, symbolov a vzorov.
Štýly: | 10 |
Bloky: | Základná latinka, Rozšírená latinka |
Jazyky: | 100 |
Znaky: | 380 |
Číslice: | Proporčné zarovnané (Základné), Preškrtnutá nula |
Funkcie: | Špeciálne ligatúry, Ordinály |
Webfont: | 13.4 KB (Priemerná veľkosť štýlu) |
Verzia: | 1.0 |
Copyright: | Bismuth Stencil, Ondrej Jób © 2012. Všetky práva vyhradené. |
Dátum vydania: | 5. marec 2012 |
Update: | 23. apríl 2024 |